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Herbs and Minerals

About Me...

    My name is Daniela. I'm a Christian wife and homeschooling mom residing in Norfolk County, Ontario. As a certified cosmetologist of over 20 years, avid researcher and aspiring herbalist, I'm a strong believer in natural remedies and holistic living. 1 Corinthians 6:19 is a scripture that has deeply influenced my life, and I strive to live by it. It  refers to our bodies as "temples".


I began my journey formulating herbal body and home care products over two decades ago, and decided it was time to cater to a broader audience.


As a believer in life-long learning, my mission is to constantly update my knowledge and expertise, tweaking my formulations over time, welcoming consumer feedback in order to provide my local clients, family and friends with the highest quality, (including customized) products.


I truly hope you enjoy them as much as my family does!




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